This work weaves together many threads: the world of the living and that of our ancestors. The whispers of the plants, animals, and land. The trauma and resiliency we hold in our bodies. The spirit of who we each are, where we came from, and where we are going. Join us in the depths where the biggest magic happens.
If you have found our website, it's most likely because you've been referred here by a trusted friend, guide, or teacher. Because of the nature of this work, we work on a referral basis only. Read through the services we offer to learn how to work with us. We encourage you to schedule a consultation by filling out the form below to discuss your specific needs & desires.
We acknowledge our many inspirations that have guided and supported us from near and far. We pay special homage to Dara's primary mentor, Sanchi Reta Lawler, and Coulter's shamanic teacher, Two Birds Cunningham. We give thanks for all they have taught and continue to teach us.
Please note that we are not licensed therapists or licensed facilitators pursuant to Article 170 of Title 12 CRS and currently offer our services with the sole intention of harm reduction, support, and ceremonial guidance. The work we do is legal in the state of Colorado.