Spiritual Coaching
“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”
– Stephen Richards
What is spiritual coaching?
The spiritual coaching I provide is a mix of ancient shamanic concepts and modern western therapeutic practices. It is a form of coaching and healing that is driven by your intentions and goals. It is structured similar to therapy with 1 hour remote or in-person sessions. My role when working with you is to provide a safe container to explore and share your inner world, to train and guide you in various spiritual practices, and to provide shamanic energy healing.
Here are some of the practices and healings you might engage with:
Mindfulness & Meditation
Guided Meditation
Somatic Interoception and Processing
Shamanic Parts Work
Shamanic Ancestry
Guided Shamanic Drum Journeys
Personalized Ceremony (Non-Medicine) & Ritual Creation
Soul Retrieval
Trauma Resolution
Energy Intrusion Extraction
Plant Spirit Medicine
See below for more information on these different modalities.
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Somatic Interoception & Processing
Your spiritual body is made up of both the strong and subtle feelings inside of your physical body, as well as your relationships and connections to external concepts and energies. Mindfulness, meditation, and somatic interoception and processing are the foundational tools to finding and relating to your spiritual body. We will build upon your skills while also working through any traumas and self-limiting beliefs that arise.
Personalized Ceremony & Ritual Creation
Now that you have the foundations of both your internal world and how you relate to the external world, it is time to step into the power and transformation of ceremony and ritual. With guided mentorship, you will have the option tocreate your own ceremonies and rituals that integrate all of the work you have completed. Many people tend to create rite of passage ceremonies, ancestral ceremonies, celebrations, or
Shamanic Parts Work, Ancestry, & Guided Drum Journeys
The next step in developing your spiritual body is utilizing the practice of shamanism. Shamanism, at its core, is about relating to external concepts and energies, and integrating those relationships into your life. With all of these shamanic modalities, I will teach you the ancient art of the shamanic drum journey. Using this tool, you will explore the depths of your psyche and ancestry as well as the spiritual world. No matter what your faith or religion or lack thereof, the shamanic journey helps you unlock powerful ways of relating to the world.
Soul Retrieval, Trauma Resolution, Intrusion Extraction, Plant Spirit Medicine
During our sessions, sometimes a blockage appears, or an aspect of self arises that requires specific healing. If it does, I am train in both somatic, emotional, and spiritual trauma resolution. I use both ancient and modern techniques to help you release stored energy in your body, dissect harmful stories, and return your own energy and power to your body.

Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual practice that is based on direct experience of the somatic body, inner vision, and external relationships. Every indigenous culture in the world has some form of it. Practitioners will enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness via drum or dance trance, plant medicine, or other flow state experiences. In these states, a vivid inner vision is unlocked that allows deeper understanding and connection to the somatic body and external relationships.
An example is using the constant rhythm of a drum to enter a trance. Once in the trance, the practitioner might find themselves, within their inner vision, in another world. This world might hold other beings such as animals or ancestors that the practitioner can interact with which might have profound sensations and emotions arise in their body. These experiences allows the practitioner to gain knowledge, understanding, and even increased power to affect change in their body and their surrounding environment — even other people. This practice allows deep insight and healing that, coupled with western therapeutic styles can have large impact on the overall health of an individual.
Shamanism is also a way of interacting with the world. Once the practitioner has journeyed enough, a oneness of the universe starts to emerge. Also, you find that, while in trance, you are able to connect and relate to all things as if they are alive. Soon this starts to happen even outside of trance. Many people find that this way of relating to the world brings about a sense of belonging, togetherness, agency, and love.
Shamanism can be practiced by anyone regardless of your faith, religion, or beliefs - even if you don’t really have any! If you are not a very spiritual person but are curious about non-ordinary states of consciousness, you can practice shamanism. If you are a Christian, you can practice shamanism.
If you’re curious, I will teach you the lineage I follow from my teacher Twobirds Cunningham.
A rite of passage is a ceremony that both initiates and celebrates the marking of a transition in someone’s life. Common rites of passage are transition from child to adult, adult to elder, death, birth, marriage, transition to widow(er) etc.
In American culture, rites of passage have been commercialized and materialized to the point where the spiritual and emotional significance of such events has been diminished. For many rites, such as child to adult, they have totally vanished.
When rites of passages are properly held, they provide validation, transformation, and imbue power to the individual. It recognizes the transition in both a physical and energetic sense, allowing a dispersal of the “gray zone” where a person doesn’t know who they are or how they are seen in society. Instead they are welcomed in a new form back into their family and community.
I create and hold rites of passages for people both actively and retroactively. If you had a family member pass and now you are the oldest member of your family, you might not have had a rite of passage to transition you into being the family elder. I can help provide that transition.
Yes!? Maybe? I don’t have an agenda to change how people think or feel. My goal is to help people find their way to healing based on their goals and intentions. If you have your own spiritual practice, I am excited to just help you deepen your practice in whatever way feels good to you. Sometimes I won’t have a good understanding of your practice and I will let you know that when I do.
I engage in Celtic practice because of my ancestral background and how I relate to my shamanic training. While I might use aspects of Celtic culture when I work, the work that I do is not inherently Celtic. Shamanism is cross-cultural, just like the people I work with.
If you’re excited to learn more about Celticism, that’s great! If you would like to do this work under a Hindu or Chinese lens, that’s great! My goal is to help you deepen your own experience, not to impart my experience onto you.
$150 per 1 hour session.
I understand that this cost can be prohibitive. I do have scholarships available. Please contact me with your needs and we can create a sliding scale payment plan for you.